Connector packages
Product imageProduct nameModelPrice
Connector package 216V Fast-on 6.3mm
suitable for 7Ah and 12Ah.
Consisting of:
14 x item no.: 1020B20 - 100mm - 004mm² - Fast-on plug 6.3mm NSGAFÖU
2 x item no.: 2023R23 - 500mm - 004mm² - Fast-on plug 6,3mm NSGAFÖU
1 x item no.: 3020E20 - 1000mm - 004mm² - Fast-on plug 6,3mm NSGAFÖU4000822
Item available again shortly -
Connector package 216V 16qmm M5, BV 50
suitable for 17Ah to 28Ah.
Consisting of:
12 x item no.: 1002B02 - block connector.
50-016-132-M5 NSGAFÖU
4 x art. no.: 2022R22 - series connector
400-016-132-M5 NSGAFÖU
2 x Art. no.: 3022E22 - Tier connector
1000-016-132-M5 NSGAFÖU
Installation: 2E-3R / 3E-2R4000823
Available immediately -
Connector package 216V 16qmm M6, SBNF 50
suitable for 33Ah to 55Ah.
Consisting of:
12 x item no.: 1003B03 - block connector.
50-016-132-M6 NSGAFÖU
4 x item no.: 2028R28 - series connector
400-016-132-M6 NSGAFÖU
2 x Art. no.: 3024E24 - Tier connector
1000-016-132-M6 NSGAFÖU
Installation: 2E - 3R / 3E-2R4000824
Available immediately -
Connector package 216V 16qmm M6, SBNF 80
suitable for 60Ah and 75Ah.
Consisting of:
12 x item no.: 1006B06 - block connector.
80-016-132-M6 NSGAFÖU
4 x item no.: 2028R28 - series connector
400-016-132-M6 NSGAFÖU
2 x Art. no.: 3024E24 - Tier connector
1000-016-132-M6 NSGAFÖU
Installation: 2E - 3R / 3E-2R4000825
Available immediately -
Connector package 216V 16qmm M6, SBNF 120
suitable for 65Ah and 80Ah.
Consisting of:
12 x item no.: 1024B24 - block connector.
120-016-132-M6 NSGAFÖU
4 x item no.: 2028R28 - series connector
400-016-132-M6 NSGAFÖU
2 x art. no.: 3024E24 - tier connector
1000-016-132-M6 NSGAFÖU
Installation: 2E - 3R / 3E-2R4000826
Available immediately -
Connector package 216V 25qmm M6, SBNF 50
Suitable for SBL HR 41Ah to 66Ah / SBL 33Ah to 55Ah.
Consisting of:
12 x item no.: 1004B04 - SBNF 50-025-176-M6 NSGAFÖU
4 x item no.: 2026R26 - SBNF 400-025-176-M6 NSGAFÖU
2 x item no.: 3027E27 - SBNF 1000-025-176-M6 NSGAFÖU
Set-up: 2E-3R / 3E-2R4000828
Available immediately -
Connector package 216V 25qmm M6, SBNF 80
suitable for SBL HR 85Ah / SBL 60Ah + 75Ah.
Consisting of:
12 x item no.: 1008B08 - SBNF 80-025-176-M6 NSGAFÖU
4 x item no.: 2026R26 - SBNF 400-025-176-M6 NSGAFÖU
2 x item no.: 3027E27 - SBNF 1000-025-176-M6 NSGAFÖU
Set-up: 2E - 3R / 3E - 2R4000829
Available immediately -
Connector package 216V 25qmm M8, SBNF 120
suitable from 100Ah.
Consisting of:
16 x item no.: 1030B30 - block connector
120-025-176-M8 NSGAFÖU
4 x art. no.: 2027R27 - series connector
400-025-176-M8 NSGAFÖU
2 x art. no.: 3028E28 - tier connector
1000-025-176-M8 NSGAFÖU
Set-up: 1E - 2R / 2E - 3R / 3E - 2R4000827
Item available again shortly -
Connector package 216V 35qmm M8, SBNF 120
suitable from 100Ah.
Consisting of:
16 x item no.: 1048B48 - SBNF 120-035-218-M8 NSGAFÖU
4 x item no.: 2029R29 - SBNF 400-035-218-M8 NSGAFÖU
1 x item no.: 3043E43 - SBNF 1000-035-218-M8 NSGAFÖU
Set-up: 1E - 2R / 2E - 3R4000830
Available immediately