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Renewed growth in the German market for electronic security technology

Renewed growth in the German market for electronic security technology

The German market for electronic security technology achieved a turnover of over 5.3 billion euros in 2023 - an increase of 3.6% compared to the previous year. Overall, the growth is slightly lower than in 2022 and 2021, but according to the ZVEI Security Association, there are also significant differences in the various sub-sectors of the industry. However, none of the sub-sectors recorded losses.

By far the largest area of electronic security technology is fire alarm technology. Here, turnover rose by 3.3 percent to 2.51 billion euros. The area of voice alarm systems also recorded growth of 2.3 percent to 133 million euros. The positive development of the video systems sector is also extremely striking, with an increase in turnover of 5.9% to 790 million euros.

The access control systems segment developed similarly positively, with growth of 6.8% to 485 million euros. Other technologies also surprised with significant growth: systems and components such as call systems in accordance with DIN VDE 0834, escape door systems and personal assistance calls achieved overall growth of 5.8%.

A slight change of just one percent growth to 900 million euros was also recorded for hold-up and intruder alarm systems. A possible reason for this could be the fact that KfW subsidies for private burglary protection have been discontinued, although the number of documented burglaries has recently risen again. There was also only a slight increase to EUR 177 million for smoke and heat extraction systems including natural ventilation (SHEVS/NL).

Forecasts for developments in the industry

Since the energy transition has been playing an increasingly important role in politics, positive sales trends have also been observed in the electronic security technology market. As soon as security technology can make a significant contribution to improving the energy efficiency of buildings, the chances of receiving subsidies increase, which gives hope for sales growth in the industry.

On the other hand, the development of the security technology market is also influenced by developments in the construction industry. The current decline in the number of new building permits is a worrying sign, as these have recently fallen by 25 percent. According to the BHE Bundesverband Sicherheitstechnik e.V., the shortage of skilled workers is also having a negative impact on the development of the industry.

The trend towards the integration of electronic security technology through digitalization offers hope. The market is constantly developing in the direction of networked products and systems, which is increasing the relevance of the software component.


Image: BHE

Source:, BHE, 19.06.2024